by Mobiledev | Apr 16, 2015 | Uncategorized
To create a WIFI access point on Windows do the following: – Run a command window as administrator (right click command window icon, run as admin) – Enter: [plain]netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow "ssid=ssid" "key=key”...
by Mobiledev | Feb 29, 2012 | iOS, Uncategorized, XCode
Working with (user) preferences is pretty easy in Objective c. Preferences is just a phrase for persisting some info. If you need to save and load some small things, and you think a database is overkill, than user preferences might be just right. Below a helper class...
by Mobiledev | Aug 31, 2011 | Uncategorized
Apple Mail has no easy configuration for multiple identities. It is possible to use multiple identities for sending mail, but the configuration is a bit weird! (tested this with Lion…) In Apple Mail go to: Menu “Mail” “Preferences” Select...
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