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Enable GIT support for an existing XCode project

XCode 4 brings us GIT support (XCode 4.1+ now also brings us GIT server support). That’s great! For a new project just tick the “Create local GIT repository…” check-box in the new project dialog. But what about older projects? Enabling GIT for...

Apple mail with multiple identities

Apple Mail has no easy configuration for multiple identities. It is possible to use multiple identities for sending mail, but the configuration is a bit weird! (tested this with Lion…) In Apple Mail go to: Menu “Mail” “Preferences” Select...

App icon without gloss

Ever noticed that on iOS devices there are icons with “gloss” and icons without? The Twitter icon below does have a gloss, the Dropbox icon does not. The default setting in an XCode project is to apply gloss to your icons. If your icon already has a gloss...

NSLog format specifiers

Logging has a lot of possible format specifiers. The general syntax of NSLog is: NSLog(@”Text %@”, object); NSLog(@”I want to log: %@”, myString); int i = 1234; NSLog(@”The number is: %d”, i); The possible format specifiers are: %@...

Backup complete WordPress site with a script

Backing up a complete WordPress site can be done with a bash script. This script has been created and described by Konstantin at added some extra’s to the script. Script...

Memory management in iOS

In iOS 5 “ARC” has been introduced. ARC stands for Automatic Reference Counting. The posting below is still valid for iOS < 5. In iOS 5 the there still is reference counting, but it is automatic. Therefore ARC is no garbage collection. -----------...

Popup message in iOS with delegate

If you just want to show a popup message without responding to the buttons pressed look at the snippet : “Popup message in iOS” If you want to respond to a popup message the popup message probable has more than 1 button. To figure out what button got...

Popup message in iOS

Showing a popup message to a user in iOS is not very difficult. The code below shows a popup message with 1 button. If the user presses the button the popup message disappears. No code is executed when the uses pushes the button. (For an example with delegates look at...

Prevent an app from running in the background

There are a few reasons why you would not want your app to run in the background, for example: During development it is easier not to run in the background. The default situation is that when you quit an app in the simulator, the app continues running in the...